Wednesday, 19 November 2008

South West Tourism AGM and Question Time

2nd December 2008, 1pm - 4pm
The Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton, Devon EX16 4DB

Do you have a question or suggestion to put to any, or all three of the Chief Executives of the agencies that have a direct influence on the future of national and regional tourism?

Tom Wright Visitbritain
Jane Henderson South West Regional Development Agency
Malcolm Bell South West Tourism

Tom Wright, Chief Exec of the national tourist board, VisitBritain and Board Director of South West Tourism will be just one of the key industry representatives available to answer your questions at our December Members Meeting and AGM.

This is your chance to raise the issues that are important to you as a tourism business operating in the region and to influence the future of the region’s tourism industry and how it’s supported.

We’re eager to hear your views on hot topics including, marketing, nationally recognised quality schemes and how we should rise to the challenges of the recession. Plus, put forward your ideas on what you think public bodies should be doing to support the region’s industry in 2009 and beyond, as well as any other issues such as red tape and regulations that affect your business.
Join us – free of charge to members2 December – The Tiverton Hotel, Devon1pm – 4.30pm

Led by South West Tourism Chairman, Francis Cornish, the afternoon will kick off with an informal sandwich lunch and the rare chance for you to discuss your issues, one-to-one with senior representatives of the official national, regional and local tourism organisations (see below).

Annette Cole, who heads up South West Tourism’s research team, will present findings from a recent Business Survey based on 900 businesses from across the region. The findings highlight some significant changes in visitor trends that will help inform your product development and marketing in 2009 and beyond.

The final session of the afternoon will be a rare opportunity for members to put their questions and concerns to VisitBritain, South West RDA and South West Tourism in a panel - which is sure to be a lively debate.

For more information please visit our website:

Who’ll be available to take your comments and concerns:-
VisitBritain, Chief Exec, Tom WrightS.W. Regional Development Agency, Chief Exec, Jane Henderson.

South West Tourism:
Chairman, Francis CornishChief Exec, Malcolm Bell
Research & Strategy, Annette Cole
Marketing, Kirsty Cumming
Sustainable Tourism Expert, Neil Warren Your Local

Destination Management Organisation:
VisitDevon, Chief Executive, Nicola Poultney (tbc)
Wiltshire Tourism Partnership, Head of Partnership, Alun Williams
Somerset Tourism Partnership, Partnership Co-ordinator, David McCubbin
Destination Dorset , Lead Officer, David Walsh
Visit Cornwall , Lead Officer, Steve Kessell
Cotswold and Forest of Dean DMO, Tourism Manager, Chris Dee (tbc)
Destination Bristol, Commercial Services Manager, Kathryn Davis
Bath Tourism Plus, Chief Executive, Robin Bischert
Bournemouth & Poole, Tourism Manager for Poole, Graham Richardson

Free of charge when registering in advance!

If you would like to join us, free of charge, from 1pm on 2nd December at The Tiverton Hotel then please register via email by sending your name, business name and email address to

Note: Those not registering in advance, will be required to pay a fee of £25 on the day in order to join the networking and presentation sessions.

1 comment:

ADK said...

I am provider of services to the tourism sector and tried to become a member of SW Tourism but as it is changing direction this was not possible. And as much as I would love to attend the AGM, I would like to pose a question for discussion on the day.

I thought the county DMO’s, the council which they reside, and the regional tourism authorities roles were to maximise the economic prosperity of tourism and ultimately tourism businesses, which I know is partly done through DMO and promotions they carry out. I also assume that all are to assist tourism businesses to be more successful.

But DMO’s and SW Tourism are not solution providers for the tourism industry, they are more startegic and do not sell solutions. Yet it is only solution providers that can assist tourism businesses to grow, become more competitive and win more customers. So why isn't there a conduit between tourism businesses and providers of solutions, as surely this can benefit the county and region. For example our research shows that Scotland does a fantastic job in stitching together solution providers, DMO's and councils. See and

Having researched SW Tourism and noting that the AGM in Tiverton next month, I wondered if you could raise this question. How is the South West to assist tourism businesses to succeed locally, nationally and globally if the region does not provide a conduit between tourism businesses and solution providers? For example, if a solution provider can get 20 extra customers per B&B/hotel website in the region how much would that contribute to the economy? Is it worth the debate to discuss how the south west can create this conduit, even though it may present a few political mountains that need to be overcome? I know that from the SW Tourism perspective that funding is purely for strategic objectives and not commercial, and probably for DMO's, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed. A region directory or even a tourism trade fair are just some of the ways of building that conduit. Ideas like this do not favour one company and should be pursued to ensure that inward trading also remains in the South West. I hope that you agree that this is worth discussion at the AGM.