Wednesday 20 August 2008

Weather forecast websites

It's the summer season, however it's probably fair to say that the current weather hasn't been helpful to all tourism businesses, and is causing many visitors to hold off on booking a holiday until the last minute.

Malcolm Bell, Chief Executive of South West Tourism, has recently been commenting on the weather forecasts in the media and in particular the risk factor regarding showers. It is felt that these need to be made clearer so visitors can make an informed choice over whether they are prepared to risk a bit of rain, and then plan their holiday better, rather than staying away altogether.

See which weather website work for you and your visitors: we have listed a few below, which offer different amounts of detail dependent on your requirements.


Anonymous said...

SW Tourism should not be wasting time and my money on telling us how to get weather forecasts, instead it should concentrate on telling everyone that in Dorset there is plenty for the whole family, whatever the weather. It just happens to be true and for the whole summer so far all our guests have had a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

I tell you what, why don't we pout, stamp our feet and say 'it's not fair', as well? For heaven's sake we are a tourism industry in England. It will rain. A professional approach would be to ensure that even in the rain,we have what it takes so that visitors come to the south west and have a good time regardless. It's for us to pull our socks up, not the weatherman.