Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Business Rises

Have you been shocked by a massive increase in your business rates due to the recent change in methodology used in calculations – now based on your turnover?

If you have, we would like to hear about not only the amount of the increase, but also what it is as a percentage rise when compared to your old rates. South West Tourism will then lobby Central Government and also provide you with a draft letter, that you can send your local MP.

If we lobby at national and regional level, and you lobby at local level through your MP, we maybe able to raise the profile of this change and how it will affect the competitiveness of the industry, the ability for businesses to reinvest and the impact on the wider economy.
Please email: with information on how these changes have affected your business.

How's Business ?

Are you interested in knowing how businesses like yours are doing this year? Complete the latest short survey and we will share the results with you in the next edition.

New help for businesses facing the credit crunch

The Government is launching a new package of measures under the Real Help For Businesses Now initiative.

These measures are in the form of three funds and are designed to ensure that businesses can access working capital, trade and investment finance and that banks can guarantee certain loan activity.

Enterprise Finance Guarantee - for Businesses: Government will guarantee bank loans to Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) to 75% of loan value. This will enable lending to those viable businesses who, in these current economic times, are unable to get a loan. This measure will also include the ability to consolidate part or all of an existing loan or overdraft with their existing bank. The Enterprise Finance Guarantee is part of the Solutions for Business portfolio. Businesses can find out more from the website and can apply direct through the main banks and, in the near future, other smaller lending organisations.
For more information visit

Capital For Enterprise Fund - for Businesses: A scheme targeted at economically viable SMEs (plcs) who have exhausted normal sources of finance and would benefit from an equity injection and/or mezzanine loan to enable them to restructure their balance sheets and continue their growth. The Capital for Enterprise Fund is part of the Finance for Business product in the Solutions for Business portfolio. Businesses will be able to access the fund through a dedicated BERR helpline 0845 459 9780 or by visiting

Further information and support is available on the Business Link website

New Welcome to Excellence course dates released for 2009

Already leading the way in the tourism leisure, and hospitality sector, Welcome to Excellence is also now seen as the way forward by retail businesses, travel operators, local authorities and many other organisations for which quality customer service is critical. Isn't it time you join them?

What do you think about climate change?

The impacts of our changing climate and severe weather are becoming an increasingly important issue and challenge for businesses.
View tourism business opinions from our recent climate change survey

During August 2008 a quick and easy online survey was conducted to gain an insight into Tourism and Climate Change, hosted on the South West Tourism (SWT) and Somerset Partnership Website.

The aim of this survey was to find out if tourism businesses wanted more information regarding climate change, how they wanted the information and to also investigate current awareness of climate change and affects on their businesses.
The survey was well promoted through various tourism networks and received a response of 353 participants.

Snapshot of results
The survey results were positive with a demonstrable awareness of climate change and the affects on tourism businesses.

The majority of respondents (57%) believe that climate change has affected or is likely to affect their tourism business

Overall, the majority (78%) said they would be interested in finding out more about the impacts of climate change on their tourism business, with 17% stating they did not wish to find out any more.

Feedback from the survey suggested a preference for receiving further information about climate change via newsletters and bulletin’s, followed by information on the ‘website’ and then a talk/presentation.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey.

For more information relating to climate change and tourism please download the following leaflet:

South West Tourism will be reviewing this climate change leaflet over the next few months and would welcome views on how it can be improved and what you feel is missing. Please add comments to the following:

If you would like to receive further information please contact Emma Whittlesea, Sustainability Strategist on: / 01392 353 233.